Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Don't forget what's in the nail gun!

Warning: This video is not for those with weak hearts. I wasn't looking at the screen through most of it. It was pretty cool, though.


Wonder what it takes to develop a memory like this?

Spoiled rotten kids who didn't get what they wanted for Christmas


Alrighty, this is nothing short of disgusting. The parents of these kids might have screwed up royally, but in large part these monsters are a product of our materialistic society. Fantabulous. Am I the only person who DIDN'T want a car or iPhone for Christmas?

Stupid students


These are funny, though at the same time horribly depressing. Time to mourn the American education system.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Helping kids break down gender stereotypes

Super cool article written by an elementary school teacher. I can't wait to see how this next generation of kidlets turns out.


Have you tried the Purina diet?

Got this in an e-mail recently...

Yesterday I was at my local SAM'S CLUB buying a large bag of Purina dog chow for my loyal pet, Biscuit, the Wonder Dog, and was in the checkout line when the woman behind me asked if I had a dog.

What did she think I had, an elephant? So since I'm retired and have little to do, on impulse I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, I was starting the Purina Diet again. I added that I probably shouldn't, because I ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms.

I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pants pockets with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well and I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in line was now enthralled with my story.)

Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care because the dog food poisoned me. I told her no, I stepped off a curb to sniff an Irish Setter's ass and a car hit us both.

I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard.

Sam's Club won't let me shop there anymore.

Better watch what you ask retired people! They have all the time in the world to think of crazy things to say. Forward this (especially) to all your retired friends........it will be their "laugh for the day"!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Two daddies for a baby penguin


So freaking cute. I would love to see these guys workin' the parental skills!

A transgender girl who just... "knew"


This girl is a teenager. Think about that. As I read this, I felt as though I was seeing the words of someone much older. This gives me hope for the future.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

KristyHobbs1: The mentality of a troll

If you're a part of the Supernatural fandom, you may have heard about KristyHobbs1, a self-described Destiel fan who hates Jared Padalecki. She's got a Twitter account, and from what I understand, a Tumblr account as well. Many people are getting defensive, but this article about the trolling mentality and degenerate fans offers a different theory. Before you post about her anywhere, please take the time to read this and pass it on to other Supernatural fans!!!


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Letter-number test for your eyes

I don't know how effective this is or where it comes from, but might as well see how long it takes you!

The Eye Test
Can you find the B (there are 2 B's)


Once you've found the B

Find the 1


Once you found the 1..............

Find the 6


Once you've found the 6....

Find the N (it's hard!!)


Once you've found the N...

Find the Q..


Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Tin Tin movie!

I very vaguely recall watching the cartoon version of Tin Tin on TV, so I think that seeing a movie version would be super cool.

In case you haven't seen a preview:

Tintin Trailer #2 (Spielberg 2011) HD -- FilmsActuTrailers


And in case you don't remember the original:

Opening TinTin -- cobra123454321777


Unfortunately, I've had a really hard time finding original clips of the TV show on YouTube. Pretty much everything that I've found has been overdubbed with rude dialog. There's so much of it that it's like a fad. I hope it ends soon.

Go see the movie! If you do, feel free to leave me a comment and let me know how you liked it!!

Every one matters

As an English freak, I first off feel the need to say that yes, "everyone" is one word. But here, I mean to make a more pointed statement. We get wrapped up in our lives. In our work, our friends, our immediate vicinities. It can be easy to forget that there are more people out there whose experiences are an entirely different universe from one that we can even imagine. For the jobless and the homeless, it's not something they see in a newspaper or pamphlet. It's what they wake up to, work through every single day.

In school, I saw a presentation given by a volunteer for Tent City's 1 Matters. He was an incredible man, with a sense of humor that amazed me, despite his past. As I listened to him speak, I wrote down some things he said, which I hope to never forget. Sometimes they seem like the simplest, most obvious things, but that just means that you've forgotten to pause, think, and feel them. Realize their depth.

~The more you give, the more you get.
~Chase money, it flees. Chase quality, and money comes to you.
~They say distance makes the heart fonder... so keep going.
~If you don't use your talent... it affects you.
~I wasn't what I was doing. I was who I was.

~You can be that one that matters for somebody.


Monday, December 5, 2011

Sam Winchester ringtone!

Hee hee hee... I like.

Although there are are multiple tracks listed here, it's just the same two over and over. The actual ringtone is the short one. I definitely want Sam Winchester telling me to answer my phone... it'd be even better if he was on the other end of the line, too.


Vloggers who are together forever

I don't follow either of these guys closely, but this is an adorable music video never the less.

Forever Yours
By charlieissocoollike


Powerful photos from 2011


Wow... I find it hard to believe that all of these things happened this year. So much chaos and violence. Kudos to the photographers for capturing these striking moments in history... too bad the list couldn't be longer, and more events, such as those in Libya, couldn't have been shown as well.

Screw this auto cucumber!

Bahahahahaha. Damn You, Auto Correct! is by far one of the funniest websites I've ever seen. Unfortunately, it's so easy to get sucked into it that I generally don't pay it visits. However, someone posted a link to the top 25 auto corrects, so I could totally deal with that. Enjoy!!!


A beautiful ad for marriage equality

It speaks for itself, and needs no words to do so.


Saturday, December 3, 2011

You can't even Google this stuff


Huh. I now feel inclined to go see what some of these look like. Which is funny, since all I'll see are smudges anyway.

Facebook dump: Trying this out

Yeeeah... I think I'm going to add this feature to my blog. A Facebook dump is when I find a bunch of little things on FB that I think are cool, and throw them all into one post for you. There are jokes, statuses, memes, whatever. Enjoy!

Husband receives a phone call from police:
"Sir we have found the body of a woman who we suspect is your wife. Can you please come and identify the body?"

Husband: "Aw, damn. I'm a bit busy right now. Why don't you take a pic, tag me on Facebook and if it's her,I'll click the "like" button 'kay?"

Ok so I'm gonna start off with a random word. You reply with also just ONE word relating to the word I posted. Then I will take YOUR word and post ONE word relating to your word etc. The word = SKY

It's almost CHRISTMAS.
Press @ and put the letter next to each sentence and click on the first person who comes up and let's see what happens

C-Burns the Christmas tree down:
H- Eats all the cookies that are left out for Santa:
R -Tells every little kid they see that Santa isn't real:
I - Steals all the candy:
S- Tries to kill Santa:
T - Leaves the fireplace lit:
M - Still believes in Santa:
A - Kills Santa's reindeer:
S-Ruins Christmas Dinner:

User: *Pushes into bed*.
Cleverbot: *Kisses*.
User: Do you have protection?
Cleverbot: Yes, I have norton antivirus.

Dear Optimist, Pessimist, and Realist. While you guys were arguing about the cup of water. I drank it.
-The Opportunist

The girl you just called fat?? She is overdosing on diet pills. The girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting makeup on hoping people will like her. The boy you just tripped? He is abused enough at home. See that man with the ugly scars? He fought for our country. That guy you just made fun of for crying? His mother is dying. post this to another video if you are against bullying. You never know what it's like until you walk a mile in their shoes.

Today, while taking a stroll in the park, a kid walked up to me and asked, "Do you believe in unicorns?" I answered, "No." He dunked his ice cream cone on my head, laughed hysterically, and ran off screaming, "BELIEVE!"

"Statistics show that the average dissatisfied customer will tell 8 to 10 people about their problem. One in five of those will share that with 20 others. So you can see how repeated offenses of poor customer service can quickly snowball into the downfall of a business....."

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Today is not the 90s

It's crazy to realize just how much basic things in life have changed in such a short period of time. Or maybe it's not a short period of time... oh, I guess I'm getting old.


Even this is outdated, though-- there's a picture of a flip cell phone in the "today" section in one of the pictures. I laughed.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Cringe-worthy songs, or just overplayed?

...I daresay that there's a bit of a difference. I wouldn't call this a good list for the most part, since I expected it to be "bad" songs just based on the title, but it's interesting to think about.


Personally, I find a lot of "classic" songs boring just because I hear them way too often. You know the Beatles 1 CD that came out some ten years ago? Sure, all of the songs were hits and are technically good songs, but I've heard them so many times on the radio that I'm never really excited when they come on. I'm going to guess that that's the notion that inspired this list.

It's too bad, though. Songs define the mood of a generation or era, but then get carried on too far. Why not put them to rest for a while and check out other albums by our favorite groups?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Why would you throw bananas on the floor?

If you like bananas, weird things, vloggers, or any combination thereof, you should watch these videos. I got to listen to my friend sing the song dozens of times before I finally saw the original version(s) for myself.



8 miles of pride!


This is super cool. I love it when some women will be this bold... it doesn't seem like enough of us remember to step outside of the box. And the men singing about their vaginas made my night.

As somebody (apparently not Betty White?) once said--

“Why do people say 'grow some balls'? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding.”

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Scottish construction workers

Huh, I never see them anywhere. I wonder why?...


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Brazil's epic law enforcement takes out a plane

Video description: Brazilian Federal Police SUV hits airplane to prevent smuggler's flee.It happened in São José do Rio Preto, a city located 275 mi (443 km) from São Paulo.

My only comment: Holy shit.


Don't buy cheap DVDs if you don't want to fail

Got this e-mail recently. It's a good thing to know. Slightly altered to remove all personal info, just because.

I want to take a moment and relate something interesting that happened.

Your photo collection from your trip occupies 9 DVDs. Since I made two copies, that came out to 18 DVDs required for the task. Because I both burned and verified each disk, figure on an average of 30 minutes per disk, partly because I shuttled back & forth between the burning and doing other things. It took me large chunks of two days to finish the job.

I used some Sony DVD-R blank disks, which took me thru Disk 7, Copy #1. At that point I switch over to Staples brand blank disks. [I had accumulated some money in rewards points at Staples and bought the Staples brand because they were on sale.]

Therefore, I started using the Staples disks with Disk 7, Copy #2. Obviously, Copies 1&2 are identical, and I didn't make any changes to the source files before starting the next burn. The burn process failed about half way thru. I tried a second one, just in case the first disk was defective. It failed identically. At that point I went thru every one of the source files (~4.3 GB of pictures) to verify none of them were corrupt, although that really should not have caused the problem. Also, since this particular disk was very close to its maximum capacity, I shuffled the source files to reduce the size slightly. No joy - same problem happened.

At that point I called it quits. Went to Staples the next day and explained the problem. Their customer service people were great, not questioning why I wanted to return the two spools of disks. The exchange took a while because I no longer had the receipt and the credit card had changed. Got the same Sony disks, as before.

Returned home and finished the burning job without any more problems. The lesson: don't buy Staples brand CD or DVD blank disks.

Jared Padalecki on his coming baby

(Hi! First off, I wanted to say that this is post #200! Yay!!)

Since this is a milestone post, I figured that I'd dedicate this one to one of my favorite subjects, actor Jared Padalecki of Supernatural. He and his lovely wife Genevieve are expecting their first child, and so far, it sounds as though it's been a wonderful experience all around. The fandom has sent much love, and Jared asked for donations to be made to St Jude in lieu of gifts.

Here are more things that Jared and Gen had to say since making their annoucement last month--


I have nothing but love for these two! <3

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Thriller, Supernatural style

Okay, so this is a day late for Halloween, but 'tis the season anyway!


Chick-fil-A is homophobic?


Just found out about this. It irritates me to no end that, no matter what product you buy, you're supporting the entire infrastructure and belief system of the company, rather than just the damn product.

Not that I'd ever want to buy that poor excuse of a food substitute.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Flower petal pillow (#2?)

I know that I've posted something similar to this before... huh, I should start an arts 'n' crafts pillow collection.

Or you could, too.


Bald Eagle "Challenger" soars


Text that accompanied the video in my e-mail:

'Challenger' is his name (in honor of the lost space shuttle crew) & is cared for by the non-profit American Eagle Foundation (AEF).

He's a 'human-socialized' bird accidentally raised by the people who rescued Him - after being blown from a wild Louisiana nest in a storm as a baby in the late 1980s. Declared 'non-releasable' by federal and state wildlife Authorities, he was trained by the AEF to perform educational free-flight demonstrations at high profile public events.

He's the first Bald Eagle in U.S. History that learned to free-fly into Stadiums, arenas and ballrooms during the singing of the Star Spangled Banner. The celebrity eagle has appeared at numerous major sporting events like the World Series, Pro-Bowl, All-Star game, BCS National Championship, Fiesta Bowl, Men's Final Four, etc.

This eagle named Challenger has also flown before 4 U.S. Presidents

His life story is told in a children's storybook.

Please enjoy the video and pass it on to your fellow Americans.

Your school photos were never THIS bad...

Bahahaha. Here is one of those websites that eats your life. But I love it.

Woooooot mullets! Laser backgrounds! Bad quotes! Prom queens posing with farm animals!


I love how it looks like a time capsule... until you see a lame photo from last year. YES. Bahahaha again.

When people write songs about obvious things

I'm on a boat.
I'm on a boat.
I'm on a boat.

Wait, what? What was the point of that?


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Give your pet and yourself the happiest life possible

Few things can ruin a pet-owner relationship like the mixed messages caused by a lack of planning and training. I feel that some of these tips are pretty obvious, but others might bot occur to people.

If you love your pets, take a look--


Giving your FB friends new roles

I don't particularly like to advocate doing things on Facebook, but these are fun. I'm amazed by how many different versions have popped up, and for a while I copied down every one that I could find. Gave up after a while, but here are a few for you--

You’re in an RPG. Go to your profile and look at the first 10 friends on the left hand side. Write one as each of the following:

Sword-wielding Bad-ass:
One with the Gun:
Fighter who Needs no Weapon:
Party Member who won't Shut Up:
Damsel in Distress:
Final Boss:

You're Pregnant. No cheating.

1. The one who freaks out:
2. The one who supports you:
3. The baby daddy:
4. The one who tells everyone:
5. The one who throws you a baby shower:
6. The one who beats up the baby daddy:
7. The one who buys your baby stuff in the wrong color:
8. The one the baby is named after:

You're in a HORROR MOVIE:

1. Decided the creepy house is safe:
2. Screams like a baby:
3. Scares you as a joke:
4. The first to go missing:
5. The first to go insane:
6. Murdered saving you:
7. Has your back no matter what:
8. Survives by faking dead:
9. Has a solid survival plan no one listens to:
10. Is really the killer:

You're alone in a Strip club:

The Pole Dancer:
The Bartender:
Person Who Tries To Get You Drunk:
Your Wing Man/Woman:
Hottest Person In the Room:
The Drunk In The Corner:
The One Arrested:

So I'm getting married...

1st - person you marry:
2nd - Best man:
3rd - Maid of honor:
4th - Tries to stop you:
5th - Wedding crasher:
6th - The priest that married you:
7th - Eats all your wedding cake:


The Sexy Cop-
In the front seat hiding your liquor-
In the back seat Singing with just a bra on-
Jumping out the car and running-
Crying in Handcuffs-
Talking to the other cop trying to get us out of trouble-
Waving and laughing as they drive by-

You wake up in jail after a long night out:

Clanging items against the cell:
Demanding a phone call:
Crying in the corner:
... Passed out:
Justifying what happened:
Hitting on the guard:
Town drunk:
Town hooker:
Town narc:
Town drug dealer:

Your Facebook family:

First 2 people are your parents:
Next 2 are your siblings:
Next 2 are your grandparents:
Next 1 is your spouse:
Last 2 are your kids:

Camping Trip!

Drunk falls in campfire:
Skinny-dipping in Lake:
Running through woods yelling 'Aliens are coming!:
Throwing roasted marshmallows at everyone:
Idiot thinks they can wrestle a bear:
Gets lost in woods:
Pees pants during a ghost story:
Smacking a bees nest with a stick:

No wonder we're all single or miserable

Cutest gift idea EVER

MAN, I absolutely love this. Wish someone had gotten me one of these when I was little!!! Orrr maybe... I'll have one made for me now...

*Thinks back to Dean Winchester plushie post*


How to pick your Halloween pumpkins!

Aaaand Matthew Gray Gubler continues to be awesome.


Have a fantastic Halloween!!!

The most patient cat in the universe

I want to say "awww", but that's kinda obvious.



Oh Cleveland!...

From a friend in Ohio. Although I'd like to add that I actually like the Free Stamp.



^Can't embed the second one, though. Sorry!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Disney princesses come to life. Like, for real.

Regardless of any sexist or racist undertones that Disney may or may not have incorporated into its movies, it is a deeply-rooted part of my childhood, and I enjoy seeing new media related to the old classics.

This graphic designer fixed up classic Disney princesses so that we could see how they'd look if they were real people. Pretty awesome!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

OnStar spies on you for profit after you unsubscribe

It sort of comes across as one of those overly paranoid things that we've grown frighteningly used to. However, apathy, as they say, can be deadly. There are many ways that you private information can be used, and possibly new ways developed every day. Who says that we even know half of them?

I reccomend reading these in the order posted. (And don't worry, they're not all long.)



And here is an example in real life--


Oh, Satan!

I don't really have anything to say about this, though it'll probably cheer you up if you're a Supernatural fan and/or have a sense of humor.

(In case you're not a fan, this footage is from SPN, and the peeling guy is Lucifer's vessel. The human body tends to have a rough time containing angels.)


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Here's to some fantastic friends!

Here's another post for my fellow Supernatural fans! It's an adorable and funny fanvid that a friend sent me today. I've watched it twice, and couldn't stop smiling like an idiot. Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles have the best friendship ever, and I feel so lucky to have stumbled upon them and their TV series.

Please note-- while frequently "J2" is used to indicate that a video or fic is slash, I wouldn't call this slashy. It's just friendshippy.

I hope you love it!


For the most part, I try to avoid fanvids set to music, as I generally don't know the songs or hate the way the videos are composed. However, this one has been an exception. Not familiar with the song, but I love the way that it was done.

Matthew Gray Gubler opens a few doors

If you don't know who this guy is, you should check him out. He's got a fun Twitter page (@GUBLERNATION), and plays the fantastic Dr. Reid on Criminal Minds. I just thought that this was cool.


Make badass cupcakes with ponies!


I barely remember watching My Little Pony when I was little, but this is pretty freaking hilarious. Like... I really want that rainbow stuff now.

Um... so where are the humans supposed to work, then?

...no, seriously.

I really do wonder about that.


It's like cloning animals. Why make more of them when you already have too many stuck in shelters? How many jobless people are there in this country because nobody is hiring??

Employers won't hire you if you post this on your Facebook


I think that this is all pretty obvious stuff... just use your common sense! Gah, common sense. It's dying, I swear. It seems to me that a lot of people have honestly forgotten that there are consequences to posting anything on the internet. It's become such an essential basic in our daily lives that the publicity of it has lost its shock value.

Stop being complacent and open up your brain! Hopefully it'll help you get a job!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Gay children are NOT a threat to America

Amelia words this post so eloquently that I really don't feel that I need to add anything... all I can do is ask that you read it and seriously give it some thought.

And in case you need something to draw you in--

"The reality is they are pounding these words of ignorance and hate into the ears and minds of gay children every day. And those children are hearing them. I know because many of those kids are now writing to me. Kids as young as 14 have sent me messages. So many are scared children, who sure as hell did not choose this for themselves, living in fear of their family finding out because they know full well what their mom and dad will say. And they tell me they wish I was their mom."

Now please click and read the rest.


Cheese cubes full of nails found in dog parks?!

The photo above appeared in my Facebook news feed today, and as an animal lover, I was very concerned. Thankfully, someone looked into the story and now we know that this is not a widely-occurring crime.

NO MATTER WHAT, ALWAYS KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR DOG WHEN HE OR SHE IS OUTSIDE-- THERE ARE PLENTY OF DANGERS TO BE FOUND. But please do read through this short report to understand where the nailed cheese-cube story came from.


Guy Norman Bee talks about SPN 07x02

I'm pretty sure that I was the last member of the Supernatural fandom to find this, but here is a very cool interview with Guy Bee, who directed "Hello, Cruel World", the second episode of the new season. Let me just say that season seven has been jaw-dropping and incredible so far. Granted, we're only two episodes in, but I've been clawing up the couch in crazy anticipation already. Good stuff.


Apparently there's also some podcast for the first episode as well, but I haven't had a chance to check it out yet... I'm actually still listening to the one I've linked here.

If you're a fan and want to hear some cool insight, take a listen! Also, www.supernaturalwiki.com has more resources to poke through. Enjoy!

Facebook saves your messages after you delete them

...and that's only the start. Fantastic, no?

This isn't the most pretty webpage design-wise, but I feel that this is some of the most important information that I've ever read about FB's privacy issues. In short, I would recommend that people read this and consider the repercussions.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Doorbell: The severity of the debt crisis

I got this in an e-mail. Here's the explanation to the video:

"Power Line Blog held a prize competition for $100,000 for whoever most effectively and creatively dramatized the significance of the federal debt crisis.

"Any creative product was eligible: videos, songs, paintings, screenplays, Power Point presentations, essays, performance art, or anything else.

"Several entries have gotten a lot of attention and a lot of views or listens. But unquestionably, the one that has most gone viral so far is “Doorbell”.

"After listening to this it is OUR FAULT that this has happened. We have to mount an attack on the lobbyists. We have to find people that will not take a dime from these people. The press thinks that they are great as they get most of the money during champagnes for advertisement. The same goes for getting people to run that believe that they should be on Social Security. It would take 3 elections to accomplish this along with a big fight in between."

And here is the video in question:


Hollywood doesn't watch Supernatural

It makes enough sense. How else can you explain such a wildly popular show getting so blatantly ignored by the industry? God, I hate those people. And I'm as thankful as ever that the Supernatural cast and crew are who they are-- people truly dedicated to and in love with their project, so they've been willing to keep going with it despite the lack of mainstream attention. People who pick up on their fans' deep appreciation and always hold that close to them. Anyway, Misha Collins does a good job of exlaining his thoughts here.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Elvis Presley singing a Neil Diamond song

I've seen an Elvis movie or two, but haven't really watched videos of him performing, so I thought that this was cool. Also, I didn't know that he'd covered this song... and Neil Diamond is awesome.


Supernatural auction-- ENDS SOON!!

This fan-organized auction was supposed to take place at the Salute to Supernatural convention in Chicago this October, but Creation Entertainment disallowed it. So, it's taking place on this website instead. Here you will find some posters, books, movies, and a CD. Come take a look!

It ends soon, and the prices are pretty good. You do need an account with the site to bid, though.


How to feel more productive



Hey, I didn't say that you would BE more producive.

Although if I looked outside and saw wild turkeys, I'd definitely consider it an accomplishment. Wild turkeys don't live here.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dear photograph...

This is a very cool art project, which reminds me a bit of Post Secret. Take a picture of a picture from the past and post it with a brief story.

I'd love to try this sometime!


9/11 hype

Obviously, this is a few days late, but I think that the ideas presented here are worth thinking about for longer than just that one day.


Speaking of "cheapening" a memory, I saw a Facebook page on September 11th, the goal of which was to collect 911,911 likes to honor the victims. If that isn't pathetic, I'm not sure what is.

Office kittens!!!


I don't know what exactly this is for, but it is one of the single cutest things that I have ever seen. Oh my freaking god. The mouse-mouse! The vending machine! The kittens! The kittens everywhere!!

*Gasps for breath*


Jared and Jensen: A bit on season 7

Oh, have I mentioned that Supernatural will be starting up again next Friday? I'm super excited, by the way.

Here is a very short interview segment with the guys from MTV. (They'll be on 10 on Top this Saturday at 11:30am... am I a billboard or what...)

Jared begins the interview with a fantastic line. I love that man.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Want to win a copy of Supernatural, season 6??

Just answer one survey question, follow the other instructions, and you'll be entered to win. And don't worry, it's safe... I already did it, and I'm still breathing.

But while you're at it, Supernatural fans, leave a comment and tell me who your favorite character is! I'm a Sam girl.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The occasional FB awesomeness #1

Hopefully Facebook will have more of its spotty awesomeness so that I can give future posts titles that include, oh, I don't know... #2, #3, #4, #758...

Anyway, this is one of those things that you're supposed to fill out and post. As far as I can tell, they're not nearly as popular as they used to be, but still pretty damn funny.

Feel free to try this out and leave a comment with your results!

Dear (someone you recently talked to),

I don't really know how to tell you this, but (1). I think I realized it (2)(3) and I saw you (4) (5). I'm sure you're (6) enough to understand (7). I'm returning (8) to you, but I'll keep (9) as a memory. You should also know that I (10) and (11).

(Your name)

1) What's the color of your shirt?
Blue - I'm in love with your cat
Red - Our affair is over
White - I’m joining the Convent
Black -Our romance is over
Green- Our socks don't match
Grey - You're a leprechaun
Yellow - I'm selling myself for candy
Pink - Your nostrils are insulting
Brown - The mafia wants you
No shirt - Purple hedgehogs want to destroy you
Other -I dislike your eyelashes

2) Which is your birth month?
January - That night you picked your nose
February -When I quoted Forest Gump
March - When your dwarf bit me
April - When I tripped on peanut butter
May - When I threw up in your sock drawer
June - When you put cuffs on me
July – When I saw the purple monkey
August - When you smacked my ass
September - Last year when you peed your pants
October - When we skinny dipped in the bathtub
November - When your dog humped my leg
December - When I finally changed my underwear

3) Which food do you prefer?
Tacos - In your apartment
Chicken- In your car
Pasta - Outside of your office
Hamburgers - Under the bus
Salad – As you were eating Kraft Dinner
Lasagna - In your closet
Kebab - With Jean Chrétien
Fish - In a clown suit
Sandwiches - At the Elton John concert
Pizza - At the mental hospital
Hot dog - Under a street light
Annat- With George Bush and Stephen Harper

4) What's the color of your socks?
Yellow - Ignore
Red - Put whipped cream on
Black - Hit on
Blue - Knock out
Purple - Pour syrup on
White - Carve your initials into
Grey - Pull the clothes off
Brown - bit of
Orange - Castrate
Pink - Pull the pants off of
Barefoot - Sit on
Other - Drive over

5) What's the color of your underwear?
Black - My boyfriend
White - My father
Grey – The Catholic Priest
Brown – The Montreal Canadian’s goalie
Purple - My corned beef hash
Red – My knee caps
Blue - My salt-beef bucket
Yellow - My illegitimate child in Ghana
Orange - My Blink 182 cd
Pink – Your ‘My Little Pony’ collection
Other --The elephant in the corner

6) What do you prefer to watch on TV?
One Tree Hill - Senile
Heroes- Frostbitten
Lost - High
Simpsons- Cowardly
The news - Scarred
American Idol - Masochistic
Family Guy - Open
Top Model - Middle-class
Annat -shamed

7) Your mood right now?
Happy - How awful you are
Sad - How boring you are
Bored - That I get turned on only by garbage men
Angry - That your smell makes me vomit
Depressed – That we’re related
Excited - That I may pee my pants
Nervous - The middle-east is planning their revenge on you
Worried - That your Ford sucks
Apathetic - That you need a sex-change
Silly - That I'm allergic to your earlobes
Cuddly - That Santa doesn't exist
Ashamed - That there is no solution to you being a dumb kid
Other - That your driving sucks

8) What's the color of your walls in your bedroom?
White - Your toe ring
Yellow - Your love letters to me
Red - The pictures from Vegas
Black - Your pet rock
Blue - The couch cushions
Green - Your car
Orange - Your false teeth
Brown - Your nose hair clippers
Grey - Our matching snoopy underwear
Purple - Your old New Kids on the Block blanket
Pink - The cut toenails
Other - Your Hannah Montana underwear

9) The first letter of your first name?
A/B - My virginity
C/D - Your photo with the moustache drawn on it
E/F - Your neighbors dog
G/H - The oil tank from your car
I/J - Your left ear
K/L - The results of that blood-sample
M/N - Your glass eye
O/P - My common sense
Q/R - Your mom
S/T - Your collection of butterflies
U/V - Your criminal record
W/X – Your sucide note
Y/Z - Your credit cards

10) The last letter in your last name?
A/B - Love your sweet, sweet ass
C/D - Always will remember the pep talks
E/F -Never will forget that night
G/H – Will not tell the authorites that you stole the whale from the backyard.
I/J – Mocked you behind your back constantly
K/L - Hate your cooking
M/N - Told in my confession today about the moose poaching
O/P - Told my psychiatrist about the bruises
Q/R - Always wanted to break your legs
S/T - Get sick when I think of your feet
U/V - Will try to forget that you broke my heart
W/X - Haven’t showered in a month
Y/Z – am better off without you

11) What do you prefer to drink?
Wine- Our friendship is ruined
Soft drink – I’m off to lead a new life as a lemon
Soda – I will haunt you when I’m reincarnated as an Eskimo
Milk - The apartment building is on fire
Water – I'm scratching my butt as you read this
Cider– I have a passionate interest for mice
Juice – You ruined my attempts at another world war
Mineral/Vitamin water – You should get that embarrassing rash checked
Hot chocolate – Your Cucumber-fetishism is weird
Whiskey - I love Oprah Winfrey
Beer – Thanks for the Cocaine
Other – you should stop picking your nose

12) To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation?
Thailand – Warm tingly sensations
Australia - Best of luck on the sex change
France - Love always
Spain - With tears of sadness
China – You make me sick
Germany – Please don’t hurt me
Japan - Go milk a cow
Greece - Your everlasting enemy
USA - Greetings to your frog Leonard
Egypt – Kiss my butt
England - Go drown yourself

Monday, September 12, 2011

Very much to the point




Sunday, September 11, 2011

Two freaking amazing song medley videos

These are... uh. I am at a loss for words, I love them so much. Super cool stuff. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you've seen them already, since they're immensely popular. But I'm not much of a YouTube groupie, so I don't really know about too much popular stuff.

The "one man Disney movie" made me realize that there are a ridiculous number of Disney movies that I have somehow not seen. The Axis of Awesome has sent me on a hunt to listen to more music that I was totally unaware of in the past. Anyway! Here you are:



(PS- I think that "Chicken Little" is hot.)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Help your pillow grow some hair

I'm not all that much of an arts-and-crafts type, but this looks doable, even to me. And the resulting masterpiece is stylish as well as fun to play with.



Beethovan reincarnate?

If you're a fan of classical music, then you're going to find this little kid very uplifting. I'm not, particularly, but he's still pretty cute.

When was the last time that you were this enthusiastic about something?


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Protect your right to privacy on Facebook: PLACES

You know, if Facebook actually cared, they'd tell us that the settings have changed, and wouldn't set the default to the more public modes.

Follow these instructions, then paste them onto your profile for your friends to see:

Yesterday, Facebook launched "Facebook Places." Now, anyone can find out WHERE YOU ARE when you are logged in! This provides the actual address & map location of your location as you use Facebook. Make sure your kids know. TO UNDO THIS: Go to "Account", "Account Settings", & click on the "Notifications" tab. Then, scroll down to "Places" and UNCHECK the 2 boxes. Make sure to SAVE your changes!. Please re-post this message to share the info.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Remember 9/11... like, really remember it

This is a lovely, to-the-point article reminding us why we truly cannot afford to forget about the horrific events which took place on September 11th, nearly ten years ago.


Oh Borders... why am I not surprised?

Typical. Typical. Typical. I really don't have anything else to add. I'm just pissed.


Help save tigers and other species living in the Baltics!

According to the website, "As few as 3,200 tigers remain in the wild. This devastating news comes as the Chinese lunar calendar moved into Year of the Tiger on February 14, 2010. Already, three subspecies have been driven to extinction in the past century alone due to illegal wildlife trade, poaching, and human conflict."


Wait, so humans came from... multiple types of humans

I can't even fake an intelligent comment here. This isn't a field that I understand particularly well, but from what I gather, this is pretty cool.


Give it some thought, parents

This is very unfortunate. As a serious student throughout grade school, I always witnessed the way my classmates pushed teachers over the edge with their terrible behavior. The mere thought that parents can make the situation even worse for teachers should be unbelievable, though I must say that for me, it's not.

I agree that there are some mediocre teachers out there... I've definitely dealt with a few. However, swallow your pride, take a step back, and really try to assess if you may be helping or hurting the situation at your school, regardless of the role you play.


Annoy this guy with your curser

It's been a while since I've posted a silly internet game/activity/WTF-is-this. So, here you go!


All you have to do is hover on the guy's face.

Meow and Hoot love each other!

I have no clue what their names are, actually, but whatever. I love how some animals will seek out friends of another species. This is a very cute video!


Featuring our favorite blue-fauxhawked guy EVER!

Any Ten Inch Hero fans out there? At the very least I think that the Supernatural fans may know what I'm talking about. Ten Inch Hero is a romantic comedy indie film from 2007, as well as one of my favorite movies ever. Jensen Ackles plays one of the main characters, Priestly, who this t-shirt is based on.

Worth checking out, I say. (The movie is on Netflix!)


Time to quiet your mind

I promise, absolutely promise you that this is not one of those sites where a freaky screaming face will pop up on the screen. Although, you could always watch it the first time peeking through your fingers... I did that for about half of it.

Anyway, the point is to relax. Follow the instructions, and relax.



Sunday, September 4, 2011

Bilingual babies

Awesome stuff. Being bilingual myself, I've notice in foreign language classes how some of my classmates either understood new concepts, or seriously couldn't. The mere concept of different languages is pretty brain-twisting, so I think that starting kids out as early as possible is the best way to go.


Gaaaaaaaaah plushie Dean Winchester!!


This girl made him. Yes. And it is adorable. Check out her gallergy, because she makes little stuffed versions of other TV characters as well. Anybody a Mentalist fan? Or Buffy?

Eeeeeeeeeeee, I should write her and make a request for Sam...

Emma Watson being cute

I don't know a thing about her aside from her work in Harry Potter, and have never really looked into it, but this is pretty damn cute anyway.


Way to be humiliated by your TV host...

Despite the title of this video, I'm not posting it because I'm laughing. I hope that this TV host got his ass fired, because it's pretty clear that his guests weren't happy with the way they were treated.

But what I'd like to know is, does anyone know where this video is from? Any translations available online? I'm curious.

(Sorry, can't embed this one, not that I'm surprised by that.)

101-year-old cruisin' in her 77-year-old roadster

This woman is awesome. To hear someone like her talk about auto maintenance is very impressive in my opinion. And the car is gorgeous. Glad to know that it's in good hands.


Yeah, they bite. Ew.

Bed bugs! Awesome! Great!... I've never encountered any, so to me they seem like a far-off, semi-mythical creation of mothers who needed something to say to their kids when putting them to bed. But if I plan to travel in the future, I guess my days of ignorance are over.

Take a look at the top cities affected to see if you should be on high alert next time you check into a nice hotel. Bleh.


Out of coloring books? A new way to make crayon art!

A friend was just telling me about a new project that she's working on. I haven't looked into the most effective, least messy ways to do this, but I'm putting it on my mental artsy to-do list.


NEED DRIT and other signs


There is nothing like vandalism that is so funny and cheerful that it causes you to forget that it's, well... vandalism.

I hope these improve your day!

An interview with Misha Collins, AKA Godstiel

It's the Supernatural bug again! Have you been bitten yet?

Obviously there are some spoilers here if you're not caught up, but I imagine that by now most fans know what's become of the angel Castiel.

And let me just say that I wish more celebrities were like this man. I absolutely adore Misha.

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


Monday, August 29, 2011

Beatles-Monkees musical mash-up

Okay, so I already posted this one on my other (though lesser used) blog, but I feel the need to show it off here as well. May as well copy the entry then, no?

I really love this. I've got a playlist on my mp3 player of Beatles and Monkees songs, because I think that they compliment each other quite well. Now, let's not get into whether or not it's right to "compare" the two groups, because that's not my intent. Each had its own origins and purposes, but both played a huge role in the music world of the era. And I love them each for what they are.

The person who did this has more mash-ups on his website, http://thriftshopxl.com. I'm not familiar with most of the songs, so I can't say how I feel about them, but I imagine that they're pretty cool as well.

I hope you love this!!!


Nyan Cat invades Europe!

Bahahaha. I very much appreciate the fact that people have created all these Eastern European versions of this cute/annoying musical pop tart cat. Here's one, and if you follow the link to YouTube, you'll see more variants in the Related Videos section.



Thursday, August 18, 2011

Is your favorite state park closing?

It's a sad reality that when funding drops, beauty is frequently a victim. No more art, no more nature. Thankfully some of these parks have been saved, but check the list and see what you can do to help save one!


Lithuanian mayor crushes a car!

There are few things as refreshing as city officials making it a point to enforce laws. Of course, this isn't the kindest way of dealing with the issue, but it gets the point across.


I love Europe... don't you love Europe?

Because dog fighting isn't a big deal?!

Well, guess who's sharing some details about his favorite hobby with GQ. That's right, it's Vick.


Fucked up in so many ways that it's not even worth it to make a list.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The coolest art a pencil can make

I think I've seen more of these somewhere before, but you don't need to see a ton of them to be wowed.


I tried to decide which is my favorite, but it's not happening. They're all truly amazing each in their own ways. I myself would not have the patience to do this. Not to mention, then I'd be dreaming of carving pencils every night.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Care to rename your books?


Bahaha. This is like that movie ad link that I posted a few months back, where people find more accurate titles for books. Just poke through until you find something you recognize, and then it's pretty funny.

Yeah, about those "dangerous" dogs...


I'd like to buy the article to read the rest, but that's not happening right now, unfortunately. But once again, this is a reminder that we humans have a responsibility to treat other creatures with love and respect if we want to get the same in return. It's not just dogs-- you hear about people who abuse and kill cats? I've heard the excuse, "it was a mean cat". Well, if you're the type of person who finds it okay to kill an animal for being mean, then you probably weren't taking proper care of it to begin with.

Turn on your mental light bulb, people.

Friday, July 29, 2011

This makes me want to smoke a hot dog

...well... not really, but it's terrible news!


I love organic food and saving the planet, but hot dogs are one of my favorite foods ever. God, there has got to be a way around this! (Although I will add, they should also be talking about cold cuts in this article. Hot dogs are not entirely to blame.)

Friday, July 22, 2011

New Zealanders can't name their kids Duke

...nor can they give their kids a number of other unusual names.


Some of these I can sort of undersand. I mean, giving your kid a title for a name could lead to some confusion later in life. And other names seem to be made up by idiotic parents who aren't giving any thought to the fact that their babies aren't cute little toys-- they're people who are going to have to accept their names as a part of their identity. The long name that is pronounced Albin could be looked at as a comment on pronunciation, which could be looked at as intellectual. But who wants to be their parents' intellectual statement?

I'm not saying that I agree with most of the banned names here, but I definitely think that there are a lot of dumb people out there who should not be having kids. So long as a parent can tell their kid why they lovingly and thoughtfully (and I mean for real) chose the name Lucifer or Metallica, and the kid can be proud of it, I can deal with it.

But once you start banning dumb things, when do you stop?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Help end the chihuahua crisis!

Not living in California, I had no idea that this was going on, but thankfully I know the founder of The Perfect Dog (http://theperfectdog.org), so I heard about it through her. Long story short, people continue to use their ignorance-- intentionally or not-- to harm animals, but we can end it.

Here are more details. Please remember to spay an neuter your pets, and pass on this info to anyone you know who may be looking for a new furry friend!


Wen markiting fales

As a linguistics geek, I love mistranslations. If you've never seen engrish.com, you really should check it out.

I've seen a number of these failed marketing stories before, though I'm not sure how true they are. A phrase that I will never forget as long as I live is "Bite the wax tadpole". Inspiring, no?


Ze Eenglish grammar eez for ze dummies, yes?

Some consumer reports are very helpful, while others resemble spam. And then, a precious few are entertaining.


Summer in the Pacific Northwest

Unfortunately this picture was posted on Imgur with no photographer listed, so I also can't credit it to anyone, but it's so damn true. Most of the country is frying like a slice of French toast, while Washington and Oregon are pulling on their sweaters. Oi.

Apparently the Brits own English

God, this annoyed me so much as I read it. Although, I'd say that this list is quite telling.


It would seem that the British don't like American English. As someone who hates most cliches, I agree that a lot of these phrases are terrible. "I could care less" definitely needs to burn. And actually, poster #48, there are a lot of people who commit the ghastly sin of "I got it for cheap". Believe me, I'd like to smack some of those people, too. (And why didn't "pitch dark" make the list?)

But I also find some comments here irritating, such as #38-- "My worst horror is expiration, as in 'expiration date'. Whatever happened to expiry?" Uhh... who says "expiry"? Oh, the British! Some of their phrases are equally laughable to Americans.

I've never been to England (or am I supposed to call it Britain or the UK?), but all this is leading me to believe that we English-speakers on opposite ends of the ocean view our language differently on a fundamental level. I think that Americans are more experimental and less like purists, because we're a mutt nation with a short history and a knack for borrowing traditions from the rest of the world.

Sorry, Brits, but that's just how it is.

PS- How are we supposed to be pronouncing the letter Z, anyway?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Because Dean Winchester would totally be a unicorn

You know who directed me to this video? I do believe it was Jared Padalecki. Not that I know him or anything. Yet. Anyway, we Supernatural fans are ridiculously creative, and use the internet heavily to spread our love. If you have not seen the original "Charlie the Unicorn" video, you should probably watch that one first. This is the Supernatural version, which Jared found on YouTube and mentioned at a fan convention in Chicago a few years back. I saw a video of that, and had to see this. Bahaha, it's great. Enjoy!


Bent Objects creator takes on a world of art

I believe I may have directed you to the Bent Objects blog before. Artist Terry Border uses food, wire, and other little things to create humorous characters and scenes, and released a book a while back. (Anyway, in case you've forgotten-- bentobjects.blogspot.com.)

He's just started on a new project in which he interprets other pieces of art in his own, epically twisted way. Oh I am so looking forward to all his future posts!


And actually, I wouldn't mind trying my own version of this, too. Hmmm...

Breakdancing kid

I don't know anything about breakdancing, except that it's a skill that I know I'll never have. I'm not sure how the routines are arranged, but to me, this one isn't spectacular at first-- and then near the end the kid owns it. Pretty cool. I wonder if we'll be seeing him on America's Got Talent someday?


How do Pastafarians feel about rice?

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Can I meet this guy???


So... pot might bring world peace...

...or something. I found this article interesting because I remember years ago seeing a news story which I believe was about these two girls, Lamb and Lynx Gaede of Prussian Blue. I remember seeing footage of these cute little girls dancing on a swastika. Talk about parental brain-washing. Anyway, here's how they feel about humanity and their upbringing now:


Bobby's junkyard t-shirt

Yeah yeah, this is one for the Supernatural fans. This just in, fresh off Facebook. Apparently Jim Beaver (who plays Bobby Singer) bought this t-shirt, wore it to work, and now everybody there wants one. It was designed by heartjack.

I've got to say, I love the shirt too. We should all get one!


Monday, July 18, 2011

Woof! Woof! Woo--mmmmeow?

Bahahaha, that's exactly what this is. A cat caught barking. God, I love cats.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dollar stores aren't a bargain?


To this I'd like to add a couple of things. First off, doesn't it take a ton of effort to dig up all those coupons to begin with? But hey, that's fine if you're short on money, and who isn't in today's market anyhow. Second, what with everything costing "only" a dollar, it's easy to buy a ton more useless things that you never needed anyway. Those places can be good to avoid. I'm not... the biggest fan. I usually feel as though I'm making myself morally unclean every time I set foot in a dollar store. Heh.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Stab with a smile

Standing up for what you believe in can be extremely difficult, so I admire those who can make a good point in a clever, unforgettable way. Adding humor makes it that much better. Here are some fabulous gay marriage signs for you.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Art on LSD

Please know that I don't advocate the use of any drug, but I think that the effects they have on our brains can be fascinating. For instance, this article. It's short, so don't worry, and the drawings are crazy. This was the sort of thing that I was hoping to see when I first found the spiders-on-drugs video, but even if that was fake, it was still hilarious.

Anyway, here's the real deal.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It doesn't pay to help people

When I say "pay", I mean actual money, not karma. And that's beyond upsetting. Every time I wonder how things in our society have gotten so horribly screwed up, something new is thrown at me. People are mentally and emotionally unstable these days with all of the pressure of the 21st century, filling their bodies with crappy food and chemicals that further mess with their health, and now every health industry in the country seems to be failing us.


Here's to hoping that, the more people realize there's a problem, the harder they can work to fix it.

Cute German cupcakes!

Okay, so if you're ever in Germany and want a cupcake... try this place. I've never even been to Germany, but these things are super cute.



Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Male brain: female voice = music

...or something like that. I never cease to be fascinated with the strange ways in which males and females differ. To say that it goes beyond body parts is a massive understatement.

Anyway, ladies, why do men seem to not always hear what you say? And men, at least now you've got some science to back you up. ;)


Birds have... prints?

Apparently so. I've seen plenty of birds smack into windows at my house, but if I saw this, I think I'd probably freak out a bit. It'd make a hell of a Halloween decoration.


Little boy killed for being gay?

I know that I'm not the only person who finds some acts of religious fanaticism to be appalling. Of course we all have our own set of morals, but each society does have a few shared beliefs as far as what's considered crossing the line. For instance, the story of this article. Here you've got the ugly mix of sexuality and religion. And let's throw in the fact that this supposedly gay boy was four years old.


Yeah, you know... I wish there was something better to say than the old but ever-true "what has the world come to?"

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Moving = sad dogs

Bahaha. If you liked the spider rant, you should like this. It's another piece by Hyperbole and a Half! I've never had to deal with dogs this neurotic before, but maaan... what an adventure that would be. I'm curious now, and want a follow-up report!


Friday, July 8, 2011

Does school spirit have a gender?

School mascots can be awesome or ridiculously lame, but regardless, students across the country adopt their new symbols and they become a part of their identity. For instance, in Washington, the big question is, "Are you a Husky or a Coug?" And people even sell apples with little doggies and kitties on them during bowl season.

Here's an interesting aspect to mascots, though... do they have genders? For many, it seems irrelevant, say in the case of animal mascots. (Although, the person wearing the costume and running around the field? I think we tend to assume that it's a guy.)

I don't know the full story-- or there's even much of a story behind this-- but the University of Toledo is trying to establish a female mascot, and has asked students to pick her name. Because, well... the rocket mascot, Rocky, is apparently a boy. Never mind the fact that a rocket is, well, a rocket. With no gender to begin with.

This isn't very long, but yeah, I'm finding the whole stink pretty interesting.


Stained glass, pop art style

Dare I say that this is beyond epic? Can I... buy this place and live there??

For this and more epic wins and fails, check out http://wins.failblog.org/2011/07/07/epic-win-photos-stined-glass-windows-win

I... suddenly feel like creating an insane amount of art. Trippy.

Polish Festival in Toledo?!

Ahhh, I wish I could go! Sounds like fun. I'd love to try some pierogies and if their "Dancing with the Stars" is open to the public, show off my polka skills. Anyway, the place is sounding more and more interesting than I used to give it credit for. Toledo, I mean. Or well, Ohio in general. Heh.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

The most epic astronomy lesson you'll ever get

When I took a basic astronomy course during my freshman year of college, we professor showed us this video, and while sometimes it makes my brain melt beyond the point of comprehension, it's still awesome, and I love watching it. Not to mention, it's in HD, so it looks even cooler.

Even if you don't know a thing about the planets or stars, or if you have no science-y abilities whatsoever, you will still be able to appreciate this video. Enjoy!


Click! Screw! Bend! Inflate!

Alter saddle!

Hehe, I'm guessing that a hardcore fan might have already figured out what this is... it's from the Bicycle Repairman sketch in Monty Python's Flying Circus.

My Monty Python experience is very limited, but I thought that this was pretty hilarious.


Spiders are evil!!!

I am terrified of those horrid things. Yes, I know that I am bigger than they are. Yes, I know that they keep the insect population in check. Yes, I am aware that their webs are works of art.

But that's all beside the point.

They have eight long legs. Some have fangs. Some are poisonous.

Most of all, they are... spiders.

And that's that.


Characters that are going POOF

Oh sad day. The only show on this list that I have any interest in is Supernatural, as you might imagine... I'm thankful that my other favorite shows are nowhere to be seen here (or... have already ended).

But it's weird to me when a character leaves a show, in how it changes the dynamics and everything. Especially in Supernatural it's bizarre, as the two main characters are constantly traveling around, so in its six-season history, there have been very few characters that have recurred, period.

I guess it's life, though. If you love a character, why not see what the actor's up to now?

I hope that you don't find any of your faves below!


Paintballs send the feathers flyin'!

There are some things that I absolutely love about rednecks. One is their creative spirit, which they will exercise whenever they need to, no matter who's laughing at them.

Because hey, the people who are laughing are totally missing out on a good time!

(Sorry, couldn't embed this one.)

Nothing says "thank you" like alcohol

You know, this is actually a pretty cool idea. I'm sure it's not new by any means, but I like that this guy has mapped out a ranking system for the amount of thanks (or beer) that a friend deserves.

And this makes Iowa look kinda awesome. Or well, I think it does.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wait, that wasn't in English?

Typically, I have trouble listening to music in languages I don't speak, because my brain wants to turn the words into English ones, even though the resulting "lyrics" make no sense and frequently annoy me. However, I have come to love some foreign-language songs nonetheless, such as the even-popular "Dragostea Din Tei". It's sung in Romanian by the group O-Zone. You might know it as "Numa Numa".

These are the misheard lyrics according to one person. Apparently this is the original version, and it's definitely way better than others that I've seen.

Enjoy! Aloe, and goodbye for now. ;)


PS- I'd also like to add that this is my 100th post. Yay! I've had a great time with this blog. Onward to post #200!

ModCloth is rad, groovy, and swell, man

Aaaaaaahhhhhh. I find some aspects of fashion interesting enough, but I'm by no means a fashionista. I used to be hooked on What Not To Wear until I got tired of it. BUT, if there is one thing that I love, it is vintage clothing. I love looking at photos from the 50s or 60s and drooling over girls in floral print dresses or guys fresh off of Carnaby Street.

And what's better? Being able to buy that kind of clothing today, because it's in style again! It's not cheap, but online store ModCloth.com has pretty much everything you could want.

So, let me get you started with a dress that I cannot get over. Even if this stuff is out of your price range, treat yourself to some delicious optical goodness.


Monday, July 4, 2011

America on Facebook!

Bahaha, these things are hilarious. I love how we can translate a few centuries' worth of history into a Facebook log. It's a good little history lesson, and I think very appropriate for our country's birthday. Because, hey, isn't it a good time to look back on what we were, what we've become, and what we'd like to be?


Be a man and camp with other men who are men

Hehehe. Craigslist can be a very useful resource, as well as a good place to find a laugh. For instance, go check out photos of couches and love seats in the Free section... oi, some of those things are awful.

I didn't know this, but there's this "Best of Craigslist" page with the craziest posts to date. The one that my friend posted a link to is here--


Hey, if the guys want to do a manly camping trip, sounds awesome. Putting stuff in all-caps made me giggle. And, of course, led me to the rest of the "Best of" selections.


Misha Collins in Haiti

His trip has already ended, but actor Misha headed down south earlier this summer to help build an orphanage, from what I understand. As I've mentioned in an earlier post, he's got a charity, Random Acts, and is a genuinely nice guy who hasn't let Hollywood get to his head.

And, he keeps us updated on his epic adventures through his Twitter.

Here are a couple of his short videos!

Misha steals a plane


Misha introduces his inspirational host


And yeah, he's a fantastic actor, as well. ;)

Elderberry champagne??

Oooo, sounds tasty. I have not gotten to try this out, but it sounds fairly simple, with delicious results.

If anyone else has tried it or is planning to, please leave a comment and let me know what you think!


1930s "King Kong" spoof

There is nothing like watching an old TV show or commercial to show you just how far we've moved from our past. It's particularly interesting to me what details are considered acceptable back then but are not now, and vice versa. This short cartoon definitely features some racial stereotypes, but not unlike others that I've seen from that era.

But that aside, there is one characteristic of this particular time period's art that I think is awesome. Look at the creativity in the animation. Like, when the hero pulls out the plane's front propellar, it's made to look like the plane lost its dentures. And the spikes on the giant lizard/dinosaur's back turning into a chainsaw of sorts. Epic stuff. I don't really watch cartoons nowadays, but I'm pretty sure that you don't see that anymore!


Can I be reborn as a tree?

I like to consider myself something of a modern-day hippie, although I definitely don't live in a geodesic dome or grow a garden. But, I love me some oldies, classic rock, and floral prints in hues of burnt orange and yellow. Oh, and trees. I love trees.

So, I found this collection of tree photos to be very deep. Pause and ask yourself, what would you be if you were a tree?...


If I was a tree, I would feel the universe breathing with me. :)

Keep your pets happy and patriotic!

Well, first off, happy Fourth of July! Yes, it's still very early in the day (haha) and the fireworks won't be for, like... 17 more hours, but still.

While I love fireworks, they really freak me out because they're so dangerous, and are harmful to animals and the environment. I remember spending one Independence Day on the beach with my family and finding a few dead seagulls as the night wore on. But, this link is not about that, it's about animals that are much more personal to you-- your pets!

Yeah, they look cute with Uncle Sam hats on their furry little heads, but they so totally do not understand the concept of fireworks. This list has great tips for keeping your pets safe this holiday weekend.


Have an awesome Fourth!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lost their meaning, grew their beauty

One thing I love about the mid 1900s is the trend towards futuristic artwork and design. I don't know much about its impact outside of the US, but these Yugoslavian monuments certainly look like someone's take on the Space Age.


I think these are all gorgeous and breathtaking. The fact that their significance has been forgotten makes them even more interesting-- I believe, as I stated in my post on the Neo-Nazi codes, that all symbols are arbitrary. So, these could have meant anything, although we could make some guesses based on the location of each piece and the local history. But the fact that I can look at any one of them all day and never know for sure makes me feel as though I am staring into the future. And the past. And my mind melts a little bit as reality shifts.

Spokesperson fail

This guy speaks for himself. Which is probably not good news for his employer.


All the websites you could ever want and more

Tired of googling things? Try Dogpile! No jobs on Monster? Try The Ladder!

This website amuses me. I think I'll go poke around on it some... I'll probably find stuff I didn't even know I was looking for... hmmm...


Snowman dies at the hands of bus driver

I had not heard of this before, but apparently last winter some idiots built a snowman in the middle of the road, and filmed as one car carefully maneuvered around it, and then a bus driver plowed his bus straight through it. I'll admit, it is impressive to see a bus do that.

Anyway, the driver was fired (or quit?), and now there's a campaign on Facebook to save him for... being epic? I don't know.

Regardless of how epic a stunt it was, the snowman could have caused a serious accident, as far as I'm concerned, and the driver got rid of the hazard. Good for him. But yeah, the whole thing is kind of dumb.




Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Literal music video: Eclipse of the Heart

If you've never watched a literal music video, you really should. They can be a bit insulting and pretty damn mean if you love the band or song, but the ones that are done well are very creative and epic. As much as I love the Monkees, I can't be mad at the guy who made the literal version of "Daydream Believer"... it's just hilarious.

I had never heard of the song "Total Eclipse of the Heart" before seeing this redub, but I love it and have watched it tons of times.

Oh, the '80s. Even more awful than the '90s. Bahaha.

(Can't embed this one, though. Sorry about that!)


State stereotypes!!

I love these. Stereotypes can be horrible, and people should by no means be judged using them as we're each individuals, but to an extent they're true. I'm a big fan of anything showing off the fifty unique chunks of the US, so I think this video is great. I haven't looked into the book that the guy's promoting at the end, though... hmm, probably should do that.


Next on TNT... Las Vegas, The Musical!

Bahaha. It's amusing to me how an element of pop culture can be so popular and so highly mocked all at once. Take Twilight, for example, or Justin Bieber.

Or... Glee.

Before anyone protests, yes, I've seen it... well, most of one episode, anyway. It wasn't horrible, but I wasn't awed. So, I enjoy spoofs like this:


Don't give spiders drugs

Doing so can seriously damage the lives of all involved. Think of the crying children!


Bonding on a road trip

I'm not a fan of any zero-calorie soda (can you say "artificial sweetener"?), but I love this Pepsi Max video. I freaking love Richard Speight Jr! He plays the truck driver. Or, well, the actual truck driver. (Aaaaand he played the Trickster on Supernatural. Just thought I'd put one in for my show, haha.)



Human trafficking on the rise

I don't know much about the issue, but it says something when you don't think it could happen in your country... only to learn that there are 100,000 victims there.

Why are we so busy getting outraged by some athlete making controversial, uneducated comments when we should be doing something to stop trafficking in the US?


Neo-Nazi codes

I have a German friend who, when we first met, was concerned whether or not I would think that she was a Nazi. It was amazing to me how people could be worried about how their country is viewed by the rest of the world decades later, although it's true that there are still those with Nazi beliefs out there.

More than I thought, apparently. And since the swastika, the phrase "Heil Hitler", and other Nazi propaganda is banned in Germany, people are coming up with new ways to spread their message of hate.

It's amazing, and extremely sad, not to mention troubling, what all this could lead to. I took a course in rhetoric, and we discussed how language and symbols are all arbitrary; we just assign meanings to them. Banning the number 88 because of what it might mean is ridiculous. But, what are you going to do?


No pi means no pie for you, buddy

Apparently some people think that pi is a flawed mathematical measurement. Not being much of a math person, I wouldn't know, although I definitely remember playing around with unit circles and radians in several math courses throughout high school and college.

And I've never heard of tau, which these pi-haters say is the better number to use. It's twice the amount of pi.

Yeah. I don't have anything more intelligent to add. Article!


Dogs on Deployment

I'm a hardcore animal lover, and love it when I hear of anything new that can help people in tough situations keep their pets. Enter Dogs on Deployment, a service for military personnel who need someone to care for their pets while they're away on duty. I'm not in that situation, but just finding someone to care for our pets for a couple of days, or even just an afternoon, can be difficult. I can't begin to imagine what I'd have to do if I was going away for months on end.

So, that being said, here's the link, and definitely pass it on to anyone you know who might need it!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How many part-time jobs add up to full-time?

Interesting article on people working multiple part-time jobs rather than settling down with one full-time job or career. I didn't realize that this was a growing part of my generation's culture and ideology, but in retrospect, it makes sense. This isn't the world of our grandparents, where you worked in Pa's general store and took it over when he retired. Although I daresay, I kinda wish I'd been around back then.

And yet, I've got a friend juggling multiple jobs out of choice, and she loves it. (And makes it look freakishly easy.)

Makes me want to poke around Craigslist and see what I can see...


*Totally not recommending these*



1. If you're choking on an ice cube simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throat. Presto! The blockage will instantly remove itself

2. Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold while you chop

3. Avoid arguments with the Mrs. about lifting the toilet seat by using the sink.

4. For high blood pressure sufferers: simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure in your veins. Remember to use a timer.

5. A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.

6. If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives, then you'll be afraid to cough.

7. You only need two tools in life - Triflow and Duct Tape. If it doesn't move and should, use the Triflow. If it shouldn't move and does, use the duct tape.

8. Remember: Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.

9. If you can't fix it with a hammer, you've got an electrical problem.

It's called karma, dude

Yeeeah, so. Members of the Westboro Baptist Church had their car tires slashed while they were protesting at a soldier's funeral, and guess what? Nobody would help them. Or at least, until they called AAA.


I don't really have anything else to add, except, it's all in the title. And I wish I could see the scene when each of them eventually gets to meet God in Heaven. Because I'm pretty sure that these guys will be taken through gates that are a little less than pearly.