Saturday, December 10, 2011

Every one matters

As an English freak, I first off feel the need to say that yes, "everyone" is one word. But here, I mean to make a more pointed statement. We get wrapped up in our lives. In our work, our friends, our immediate vicinities. It can be easy to forget that there are more people out there whose experiences are an entirely different universe from one that we can even imagine. For the jobless and the homeless, it's not something they see in a newspaper or pamphlet. It's what they wake up to, work through every single day.

In school, I saw a presentation given by a volunteer for Tent City's 1 Matters. He was an incredible man, with a sense of humor that amazed me, despite his past. As I listened to him speak, I wrote down some things he said, which I hope to never forget. Sometimes they seem like the simplest, most obvious things, but that just means that you've forgotten to pause, think, and feel them. Realize their depth.

~The more you give, the more you get.
~Chase money, it flees. Chase quality, and money comes to you.
~They say distance makes the heart fonder... so keep going.
~If you don't use your talent... it affects you.
~I wasn't what I was doing. I was who I was.

~You can be that one that matters for somebody.

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