Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cheezburger sucks?


Oh, the new moral issues that arise with the evolution of technology! One of the first blogs that I ever followed on Blogger was Bent Objects, by artist Terry Border. He's the guy who takes photos of his food/wire/everything art. I love his stuff, and recommend that you check it out.

Anyway, his most recent blog post is a complaint about Cheezburger and similar websites. You know, the "i can has cheezburgr" cat, etc. People submit photos from everywhere, and the photographer never gets any credit, and this has happened to his own work.

After reading his post and scrolling through comments left by his followers, I'm feeling a bit like I should be taking a step back to think. You've seen the stuff that I've posted, and so far this is barely even a fraction of all the awesome links and e-mails that I've received over the past seven years. Yeah, I've got links that take you right back to the source, and you can see the author, artist, publisher, etc. But I've also got uncredited things. I receieve tons and tons of e-mails with uncredited photos. And hell, if I like them enough, I'll save them to my computer or forward them onward into cyberspace. Never once thought about the photographer.

Sooo... hmm. I'm not really sure what to do at this point. Only post and pass on things that I can actually credit to people? It's only fair. Honestly, I've taken tons of pictures that I'd love to post to Flickr or someplace where they could be enjoyed, but I never have out of fear of having my work stolen.

I guess I'll be working a bit harder now to find out where what I post came from. Less convenient, but perhaps if we all tried a bit harder, more people would be getting credit for their talents.

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