I know that I've posted something similar to this before... huh, I should start an arts 'n' crafts pillow collection.
Or you could, too.
Links to things from people I know. Care to expand your universe?
Monday, October 31, 2011
Bald Eagle "Challenger" soars
Text that accompanied the video in my e-mail:
'Challenger' is his name (in honor of the lost space shuttle crew) & is cared for by the non-profit American Eagle Foundation (AEF).
He's a 'human-socialized' bird accidentally raised by the people who rescued Him - after being blown from a wild Louisiana nest in a storm as a baby in the late 1980s. Declared 'non-releasable' by federal and state wildlife Authorities, he was trained by the AEF to perform educational free-flight demonstrations at high profile public events.
He's the first Bald Eagle in U.S. History that learned to free-fly into Stadiums, arenas and ballrooms during the singing of the Star Spangled Banner. The celebrity eagle has appeared at numerous major sporting events like the World Series, Pro-Bowl, All-Star game, BCS National Championship, Fiesta Bowl, Men's Final Four, etc.
This eagle named Challenger has also flown before 4 U.S. Presidents
His life story is told in a children's storybook.
Please enjoy the video and pass it on to your fellow Americans.
Your school photos were never THIS bad...
Bahahaha. Here is one of those websites that eats your life. But I love it.
Woooooot mullets! Laser backgrounds! Bad quotes! Prom queens posing with farm animals!
I love how it looks like a time capsule... until you see a lame photo from last year. YES. Bahahaha again.
Woooooot mullets! Laser backgrounds! Bad quotes! Prom queens posing with farm animals!
I love how it looks like a time capsule... until you see a lame photo from last year. YES. Bahahaha again.
Country y'all,
When people write songs about obvious things
I'm on a boat.
I'm on a boat.
I'm on a boat.
Wait, what? What was the point of that?
I'm on a boat.
I'm on a boat.
Wait, what? What was the point of that?
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Give your pet and yourself the happiest life possible
Few things can ruin a pet-owner relationship like the mixed messages caused by a lack of planning and training. I feel that some of these tips are pretty obvious, but others might bot occur to people.
If you love your pets, take a look--
If you love your pets, take a look--
Giving your FB friends new roles
I don't particularly like to advocate doing things on Facebook, but these are fun. I'm amazed by how many different versions have popped up, and for a while I copied down every one that I could find. Gave up after a while, but here are a few for you--
You’re in an RPG. Go to your profile and look at the first 10 friends on the left hand side. Write one as each of the following:
Sword-wielding Bad-ass:
One with the Gun:
Fighter who Needs no Weapon:
Party Member who won't Shut Up:
Damsel in Distress:
Final Boss:
You're Pregnant. No cheating.
1. The one who freaks out:
2. The one who supports you:
3. The baby daddy:
4. The one who tells everyone:
5. The one who throws you a baby shower:
6. The one who beats up the baby daddy:
7. The one who buys your baby stuff in the wrong color:
8. The one the baby is named after:
You're in a HORROR MOVIE:
1. Decided the creepy house is safe:
2. Screams like a baby:
3. Scares you as a joke:
4. The first to go missing:
5. The first to go insane:
6. Murdered saving you:
7. Has your back no matter what:
8. Survives by faking dead:
9. Has a solid survival plan no one listens to:
10. Is really the killer:
You're alone in a Strip club:
The Pole Dancer:
The Bartender:
Person Who Tries To Get You Drunk:
Your Wing Man/Woman:
Hottest Person In the Room:
The Drunk In The Corner:
The One Arrested:
So I'm getting married...
1st - person you marry:
2nd - Best man:
3rd - Maid of honor:
4th - Tries to stop you:
5th - Wedding crasher:
6th - The priest that married you:
7th - Eats all your wedding cake:
The Sexy Cop-
In the front seat hiding your liquor-
In the back seat Singing with just a bra on-
Jumping out the car and running-
Crying in Handcuffs-
Talking to the other cop trying to get us out of trouble-
Waving and laughing as they drive by-
You wake up in jail after a long night out:
Clanging items against the cell:
Demanding a phone call:
Crying in the corner:
... Passed out:
Justifying what happened:
Hitting on the guard:
Town drunk:
Town hooker:
Town narc:
Town drug dealer:
Your Facebook family:
First 2 people are your parents:
Next 2 are your siblings:
Next 2 are your grandparents:
Next 1 is your spouse:
Last 2 are your kids:
Camping Trip!
Drunk falls in campfire:
Skinny-dipping in Lake:
Running through woods yelling 'Aliens are coming!:
Throwing roasted marshmallows at everyone:
Idiot thinks they can wrestle a bear:
Gets lost in woods:
Pees pants during a ghost story:
Smacking a bees nest with a stick:
You’re in an RPG. Go to your profile and look at the first 10 friends on the left hand side. Write one as each of the following:
Sword-wielding Bad-ass:
One with the Gun:
Fighter who Needs no Weapon:
Party Member who won't Shut Up:
Damsel in Distress:
Final Boss:
You're Pregnant. No cheating.
1. The one who freaks out:
2. The one who supports you:
3. The baby daddy:
4. The one who tells everyone:
5. The one who throws you a baby shower:
6. The one who beats up the baby daddy:
7. The one who buys your baby stuff in the wrong color:
8. The one the baby is named after:
You're in a HORROR MOVIE:
1. Decided the creepy house is safe:
2. Screams like a baby:
3. Scares you as a joke:
4. The first to go missing:
5. The first to go insane:
6. Murdered saving you:
7. Has your back no matter what:
8. Survives by faking dead:
9. Has a solid survival plan no one listens to:
10. Is really the killer:
You're alone in a Strip club:
The Pole Dancer:
The Bartender:
Person Who Tries To Get You Drunk:
Your Wing Man/Woman:
Hottest Person In the Room:
The Drunk In The Corner:
The One Arrested:
So I'm getting married...
1st - person you marry:
2nd - Best man:
3rd - Maid of honor:
4th - Tries to stop you:
5th - Wedding crasher:
6th - The priest that married you:
7th - Eats all your wedding cake:
The Sexy Cop-
In the front seat hiding your liquor-
In the back seat Singing with just a bra on-
Jumping out the car and running-
Crying in Handcuffs-
Talking to the other cop trying to get us out of trouble-
Waving and laughing as they drive by-
You wake up in jail after a long night out:
Clanging items against the cell:
Demanding a phone call:
Crying in the corner:
... Passed out:
Justifying what happened:
Hitting on the guard:
Town drunk:
Town hooker:
Town narc:
Town drug dealer:
Your Facebook family:
First 2 people are your parents:
Next 2 are your siblings:
Next 2 are your grandparents:
Next 1 is your spouse:
Last 2 are your kids:
Camping Trip!
Drunk falls in campfire:
Skinny-dipping in Lake:
Running through woods yelling 'Aliens are coming!:
Throwing roasted marshmallows at everyone:
Idiot thinks they can wrestle a bear:
Gets lost in woods:
Pees pants during a ghost story:
Smacking a bees nest with a stick:
Cutest gift idea EVER
MAN, I absolutely love this. Wish someone had gotten me one of these when I was little!!! Orrr maybe... I'll have one made for me now...
*Thinks back to Dean Winchester plushie post*
*Thinks back to Dean Winchester plushie post*
How to pick your Halloween pumpkins!
Aaaand Matthew Gray Gubler continues to be awesome.
Have a fantastic Halloween!!!
Have a fantastic Halloween!!!
The most patient cat in the universe
I want to say "awww", but that's kinda obvious.
Oh Cleveland!...
From a friend in Ohio. Although I'd like to add that I actually like the Free Stamp.
^Can't embed the second one, though. Sorry!
^Can't embed the second one, though. Sorry!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Disney princesses come to life. Like, for real.
Regardless of any sexist or racist undertones that Disney may or may not have incorporated into its movies, it is a deeply-rooted part of my childhood, and I enjoy seeing new media related to the old classics.
This graphic designer fixed up classic Disney princesses so that we could see how they'd look if they were real people. Pretty awesome!
This graphic designer fixed up classic Disney princesses so that we could see how they'd look if they were real people. Pretty awesome!
Gender and sex,
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
OnStar spies on you for profit after you unsubscribe
It sort of comes across as one of those overly paranoid things that we've grown frighteningly used to. However, apathy, as they say, can be deadly. There are many ways that you private information can be used, and possibly new ways developed every day. Who says that we even know half of them?
I reccomend reading these in the order posted. (And don't worry, they're not all long.)
And here is an example in real life--
I reccomend reading these in the order posted. (And don't worry, they're not all long.)
And here is an example in real life--
Eastern Europe,
Oh, Satan!
I don't really have anything to say about this, though it'll probably cheer you up if you're a Supernatural fan and/or have a sense of humor.
(In case you're not a fan, this footage is from SPN, and the peeling guy is Lucifer's vessel. The human body tends to have a rough time containing angels.)
(In case you're not a fan, this footage is from SPN, and the peeling guy is Lucifer's vessel. The human body tends to have a rough time containing angels.)
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Here's to some fantastic friends!
Here's another post for my fellow Supernatural fans! It's an adorable and funny fanvid that a friend sent me today. I've watched it twice, and couldn't stop smiling like an idiot. Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles have the best friendship ever, and I feel so lucky to have stumbled upon them and their TV series.
Please note-- while frequently "J2" is used to indicate that a video or fic is slash, I wouldn't call this slashy. It's just friendshippy.
I hope you love it!
For the most part, I try to avoid fanvids set to music, as I generally don't know the songs or hate the way the videos are composed. However, this one has been an exception. Not familiar with the song, but I love the way that it was done.
Please note-- while frequently "J2" is used to indicate that a video or fic is slash, I wouldn't call this slashy. It's just friendshippy.
I hope you love it!
For the most part, I try to avoid fanvids set to music, as I generally don't know the songs or hate the way the videos are composed. However, this one has been an exception. Not familiar with the song, but I love the way that it was done.
Matthew Gray Gubler opens a few doors
If you don't know who this guy is, you should check him out. He's got a fun Twitter page (@GUBLERNATION), and plays the fantastic Dr. Reid on Criminal Minds. I just thought that this was cool.
Make badass cupcakes with ponies!
I barely remember watching My Little Pony when I was little, but this is pretty freaking hilarious. Like... I really want that rainbow stuff now.
Um... so where are the humans supposed to work, then?
...no, seriously.
I really do wonder about that.
It's like cloning animals. Why make more of them when you already have too many stuck in shelters? How many jobless people are there in this country because nobody is hiring??
I really do wonder about that.
It's like cloning animals. Why make more of them when you already have too many stuck in shelters? How many jobless people are there in this country because nobody is hiring??
People issues,
Employers won't hire you if you post this on your Facebook
I think that this is all pretty obvious stuff... just use your common sense! Gah, common sense. It's dying, I swear. It seems to me that a lot of people have honestly forgotten that there are consequences to posting anything on the internet. It's become such an essential basic in our daily lives that the publicity of it has lost its shock value.
Stop being complacent and open up your brain! Hopefully it'll help you get a job!
I think that this is all pretty obvious stuff... just use your common sense! Gah, common sense. It's dying, I swear. It seems to me that a lot of people have honestly forgotten that there are consequences to posting anything on the internet. It's become such an essential basic in our daily lives that the publicity of it has lost its shock value.
Stop being complacent and open up your brain! Hopefully it'll help you get a job!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Gay children are NOT a threat to America
Amelia words this post so eloquently that I really don't feel that I need to add anything... all I can do is ask that you read it and seriously give it some thought.
And in case you need something to draw you in--
"The reality is they are pounding these words of ignorance and hate into the ears and minds of gay children every day. And those children are hearing them. I know because many of those kids are now writing to me. Kids as young as 14 have sent me messages. So many are scared children, who sure as hell did not choose this for themselves, living in fear of their family finding out because they know full well what their mom and dad will say. And they tell me they wish I was their mom."
Now please click and read the rest.
And in case you need something to draw you in--
"The reality is they are pounding these words of ignorance and hate into the ears and minds of gay children every day. And those children are hearing them. I know because many of those kids are now writing to me. Kids as young as 14 have sent me messages. So many are scared children, who sure as hell did not choose this for themselves, living in fear of their family finding out because they know full well what their mom and dad will say. And they tell me they wish I was their mom."
Now please click and read the rest.
Gender and sex,
Not straight,
People issues
Cheese cubes full of nails found in dog parks?!

The photo above appeared in my Facebook news feed today, and as an animal lover, I was very concerned. Thankfully, someone looked into the story and now we know that this is not a widely-occurring crime.
NO MATTER WHAT, ALWAYS KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR DOG WHEN HE OR SHE IS OUTSIDE-- THERE ARE PLENTY OF DANGERS TO BE FOUND. But please do read through this short report to understand where the nailed cheese-cube story came from.
Guy Norman Bee talks about SPN 07x02
I'm pretty sure that I was the last member of the Supernatural fandom to find this, but here is a very cool interview with Guy Bee, who directed "Hello, Cruel World", the second episode of the new season. Let me just say that season seven has been jaw-dropping and incredible so far. Granted, we're only two episodes in, but I've been clawing up the couch in crazy anticipation already. Good stuff.
Apparently there's also some podcast for the first episode as well, but I haven't had a chance to check it out yet... I'm actually still listening to the one I've linked here.
If you're a fan and want to hear some cool insight, take a listen! Also, www.supernaturalwiki.com has more resources to poke through. Enjoy!
Apparently there's also some podcast for the first episode as well, but I haven't had a chance to check it out yet... I'm actually still listening to the one I've linked here.
If you're a fan and want to hear some cool insight, take a listen! Also, www.supernaturalwiki.com has more resources to poke through. Enjoy!
Facebook saves your messages after you delete them
...and that's only the start. Fantastic, no?
This isn't the most pretty webpage design-wise, but I feel that this is some of the most important information that I've ever read about FB's privacy issues. In short, I would recommend that people read this and consider the repercussions.
This isn't the most pretty webpage design-wise, but I feel that this is some of the most important information that I've ever read about FB's privacy issues. In short, I would recommend that people read this and consider the repercussions.
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