Monday, August 29, 2011

Beatles-Monkees musical mash-up

Okay, so I already posted this one on my other (though lesser used) blog, but I feel the need to show it off here as well. May as well copy the entry then, no?

I really love this. I've got a playlist on my mp3 player of Beatles and Monkees songs, because I think that they compliment each other quite well. Now, let's not get into whether or not it's right to "compare" the two groups, because that's not my intent. Each had its own origins and purposes, but both played a huge role in the music world of the era. And I love them each for what they are.

The person who did this has more mash-ups on his website, I'm not familiar with most of the songs, so I can't say how I feel about them, but I imagine that they're pretty cool as well.

I hope you love this!!!

Nyan Cat invades Europe!

Bahahaha. I very much appreciate the fact that people have created all these Eastern European versions of this cute/annoying musical pop tart cat. Here's one, and if you follow the link to YouTube, you'll see more variants in the Related Videos section.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Is your favorite state park closing?

It's a sad reality that when funding drops, beauty is frequently a victim. No more art, no more nature. Thankfully some of these parks have been saved, but check the list and see what you can do to help save one!

Lithuanian mayor crushes a car!

There are few things as refreshing as city officials making it a point to enforce laws. Of course, this isn't the kindest way of dealing with the issue, but it gets the point across.

I love Europe... don't you love Europe?

Because dog fighting isn't a big deal?!

Well, guess who's sharing some details about his favorite hobby with GQ. That's right, it's Vick.

Fucked up in so many ways that it's not even worth it to make a list.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The coolest art a pencil can make

I think I've seen more of these somewhere before, but you don't need to see a ton of them to be wowed.

I tried to decide which is my favorite, but it's not happening. They're all truly amazing each in their own ways. I myself would not have the patience to do this. Not to mention, then I'd be dreaming of carving pencils every night.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Care to rename your books?

Bahaha. This is like that movie ad link that I posted a few months back, where people find more accurate titles for books. Just poke through until you find something you recognize, and then it's pretty funny.

Yeah, about those "dangerous" dogs...

I'd like to buy the article to read the rest, but that's not happening right now, unfortunately. But once again, this is a reminder that we humans have a responsibility to treat other creatures with love and respect if we want to get the same in return. It's not just dogs-- you hear about people who abuse and kill cats? I've heard the excuse, "it was a mean cat". Well, if you're the type of person who finds it okay to kill an animal for being mean, then you probably weren't taking proper care of it to begin with.

Turn on your mental light bulb, people.